
Dear God, Grant us the strength and wisdom to analyse and understand various types of language and literature. Inspire us to be creative in our expression and insightful in our interpretations. Amen. 


Head of department
Ms C Lantsbury

Other teaching staff
Miss I Egemensoy (2i/c), Ms F Tratt, Ms E Falconer,
Ms L Beck, Ms L Collier

For any questions email: 

Curriculum Intent:

Curriculum Intent Y7

Curriculum Intent Y8

Curriculum Intent Y9 Curriculum Intent Y10Curriculum Intent Y11


Students have eight English lessons per fortnight. Each half term there is an alternate focus on reading or writing skills. We encourage all students to read independently out of lessons, preparing them for the challenge of the Literature texts covered in class.

KS3 Time Plan


All students follow the AQA English Language and AQA English Literature courses which will equate to two separate GCSEs. These specifications consist of 100% examination assessment. English Literature examinations are ‘closed book’ exams therefore requiring students to have a secure knowledge of all texts. It is important that students secure this knowledge from the start of the course in year 9. We encourage all students to be analytical, reflective and creative in their learning.

KS4 Time Plan English Language GCSE Specification

English Literature GCSE Specification

Extra-Curricular opportunities

  • Warner Brothers Studio Tour & English lesson
  • Shakespeare at The Globe
  • Poetry Live
  • 'Speak Up, Speak Out' public speaking workshop
  • Greenwich borough KS3 debate
  • Greenwich borough KS3 spelling bee
  • Seasonal theatre trips: ‘A Christmas Carol’ ‘Lord of the Flies’ ‘Frankenstein’

Career Opportunities

Broadcast journalism, diplomatic service officer, education consultant, English as a foreign language teacher, international aid/development worker, logistics and distribution manager, marketing executive, patent examiner, digital copywriter, editorial assistant, lexicographer, magazine/newspaper journalist, publishing industry, copy editor, proof reader, web content manager, writer, academic librarian, advertising copywriter, archivist, arts administrator, education consultant, information officer, learning mentor, marketing executive, media researcher, teacher, public relations officer, records manager, social media manager.