Eco Committee

Who are we?

Yr 7 gus sharp Yr 8 matilda robinson Yr 10 rose mcmillan Yr 9 lara belle quarrinton Oliver Marnham
Yr 9 sofia crawley Yr 7 oluwamayomide shobowale Yr 8 ava ballerino Camilla Ssemanda  
Rose, Lara-Belle, Gus, Matilda, Sofia, Camilla, Oliver, Oluwamayomide, Ava

What do we do?

  • We continue to review the school’s environmental impact and establish areas of improvement
  • Sustain and develop green spaces around the school
  • We listen to student and staff voices setting goals for the year and working towards these.
  • To educate and raise awareness of environmental issues through assemblies and school events
  • Set small achievable actions that will positively benefit the schools environmental impact
  • Work with others in school and outside organisations to support our plans and actions.

Our aims

  • To be stewards caring for God’s creation both in school and in the world around us
  • To take a whole school approach and work towards reducing the schools environmental impact
  • To raise awareness of how our actions are contributing towards global warming                                               

"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it."
- Psalm 24:1